Previews & Playthroughs – Kickstarter campaign (July 2021)

This page presents all the preview and playthrough contents (articles & videos) about Soul Raiders, sorted by language. Note that the version of the game used to create these is the pre-campaign prototype, featuring the prologue of the game.

Languages available

🇬🇧/🇺🇸 English

🎦 Videos

Jon Gets Games


Jon Gets Games


Quackalope & BoardGameCo


BoardGameCo & Quackalope


Rahdo Runs Throug


Rahdo Runs Throug

Final thoughts

“My hat’s off to the author for approaching a very popular genre of game with a very different mindset. Trying to make something that’s approachable for anyone and yet still has depth and richness and replayability!”

Man vs Meeple


“How does a game like this embrace the simplicity and elegance of [Marc André – Designer of Splendor] design philosophy? […] This game is like many games in this genre but at the same time, unlike any of them.”

Dice Tower


“I like the mechanism in the game, how you’re all collaborating constantly and moving through the locations and the story!”

Dice Tower

FOMO by Robert Geistlinger

One Stop Co-op shop

Solo Playthrough

“I think the game is really fun, offers a lot of cool narrative, has its own take on adventure gaming!”

One Stop Co-op shop

Discussion with Jim (Soul Raiders team member)

Board Game Empire


Boardgame Heaven

How to play + preview

Boardgame Opinions


Board Game Gumbo


Desks and Dorks


Ella Loves Boardgames


Game Brigade


Meeple Mountain


📖 Articles


“This was “choose your own adventure” on steroids. The choices you’ll be presented with each round will change and challenge. The game is always moving forward despite any indecision you might want to have.”

Devon Dice

“What I have seen for myself, and on Kickstarter, there is a lot of passion gone into this beauty!”


“If you’re looking for a coop game experience that’s like an RPG but without needing a GM, then Soul Raiders looks to be a great bet.”

Hungry Gamer

“Soul Raiders is a deep narrative experience, with clever card play and discovery mechanics.  The story promises to be engaging, and character growth has great potential.”

Opinionated Gamer

“So after a brief taste of the game, color me super interested in learning more about the game.”

Purple Phoenix Game

“I really do enjoy the storytelling gameplay of Soul Raiders. I think this intro prologue scenario has piqued my interest and triggered my desire to play more in the story.”

Table for One

“The dual-purpose nature of the action cards and how they are integrated with the escalating notion of fatigue is a fascinating design choice, creating a sense of urgency whilst simultaneously preventing the game from bogging down in an endless sea of side quests and bookkeeping. And based on the quality of the art assets provided in this preview, prototype version of Soul Raiders I am confident proclaiming that this is one of the most visually stunning board games I have seen and I for one cannot wait to experience the finalised version. “

The Thoughtful Gamer

“The best games can endow such shapes with import and meaning. Soul Raiders goes beyond this. Beyond a dot or a name or some dazzling art, the locations in Soul Raiders are places. At least that’s the aim. I’ve only been able to taste the amuse bouche of this multi-course feast. Bring on the rest of the meal. “

🇫🇷 French

🎦 Videos

A qui de jouer

Solo Playthrough



Dés 100 Solo

Solo Playthrough

Dis, on joue?


Dis, on joue?

Top 3 jeux de juin

“Ce que j’ai bien aimé dans le jeu, surtout, c’est l’aspect dynamique, l’aspect découverte, et l’aspect narratif que j’adore et qui a été vraiment bien travaillé”


Live Playthrough

Geek Powa


L’école du jeu





Dans le Viseur – Les jeux du moment : Dive, Clinic Rush & Soul Raiders

Pug and Play


Pug and Play


Ready Steady Play

Solo Playthrough

Tric Trac


Tric Trac


📖 Articles

Geek Lvl 60

“Plus on découvre Soul Raiders, plus on se l’approprie, et plus on se rend compte qu’il y a toujours un truc à faire, quoique nous décidions de faire.”

Geek Powa

“Il promet une expérience ludique proche de ce que le JDR peut offrir, ne serait-ce que par le parti pris d’une expérience collaborative très séduisante, dans le fond comme dans la forme.”

Le Labo des Jeux

“Une immersion plutôt bonne, de l’interaction, mais de l’expectative aussi côté rythme.”

Paradoxe Temporel

Suivez Benjamin dans un article détaillé relatant son expérience du Prologue de Soul Raiders !

Pixel Adventurers

“Soul Raiders met vraiment l’aspect sur la coopération et c’est un de ses gros points forts. On aime cette optique du jeu de société qui vise à créer un groupe solide autour de la table qui discute stratégies et pousse à se préoccuper des autres joueurs. “

Unification France

“Ce Chapitre 0, donne déjà un bon aperçu de ce que ce jeu donnera : un excellent jeu narratif, aux règles simples, et à l’ambiance très immersive.”

Vin d’jeu

“Vous l’aurez compris, Soul Raiders est un pur jeu d’aventures où les héros que vous contrôlez vont voyager de lieu en lieu afin de découvrir les tenants et aboutissants de l’intrigue et de ses quêtes.”


“Inutile de dire que si la version finale est à la hauteur de la version de démonstration, Soul Raiders pourra prétendre à notre rare VG Award !”

🇩🇪 German

🎦 Videos

Hunter & Cron


“With a streamlined basic rules system, you can fully concentrate on exploration and team play. We’re in the mood for more adventure.”
Peat and Alex from Hunter & Friends

Cyrils Brettspiele


🇮🇹 Italian

🎦 Videos

Boardgamer di Montagna


Boardgamer di Montagna


🇳🇱 Dutch

🎦 Videos

2 Minutes Review NL
